Living Like...



Theorendon Castellanos



Hi everyone!
I have returned!! So the last time I had this job was, like, 11 months ago, so it makes sense if you don't remember me or this blog. You can take a quick look at the summary section on the left if you need a reminder of what this series is all about. All set? Okay! Well, today we have one of my FAVORITE people who agreed to do this for me. He's a new cherry, used to teach the best class (absolutely no bias here), and if you read the big title at the top of the page, you know it's... Theorendon Castellanos!

  • Name: My name is Theorendon Castellanos, and don't you ever forget it!!
  • Nicknames: Theo, Thoe, Papa Leaf, Papa Theo - I think that's all the ones that people actually use
  • Age: I'm 28 on site ;)
  • Cluster & Godly Parent: I'm a part of the coolest cluster out there, Nature (duh), and my godly parent is good ol' Daddy Dionysus
  • Pronouns: He/Him on site work, and he/they works when you're talkin' oog ;)
  • Job: I have the honor of being papa leafy (Nature Head of Cluster)!
  • How long have you been at camp: Oh gods its been pretty long! A little over 2 IRL years, although that's split up between this account and others ;)
  • If you had to describe yourself in five words, what would they be: Friendly, bouncy, creative, confident, and cool, obvi
  • Tell me one secret about you: hmmmm well I won't expose myself too much but if you must know anything, it's that I had a huge unicorn phase (irl of course, but I wouldn't put it past Theo himself to have had a unicorn phase too ;)
  • What's your daily routine: On school days, I wake up, sit in bed for a while, get dressed, wash my face (use moisturizer, my dudes!), throw on some eyeliner, make sure I have everything, then I make my lunch. I ride with a friend to school and do the boring stuffs, then I usually have some extracurricular (band, mock trial, academic team, etc!)
  • What's your favorite part of your job: Well I haven't been Papa Theo for long, but I absolutely adore being able to see how supportive everyone on WoO can be. And bonus, I really like coding the club so far ;)

And now it's your turn to answer a question in the comments! (Still about Theo, but oh well.) And please, feel free to go crazy. After all, your comment could end up in the next edition! Alright, here's what you're guessing at:
If Theo could have any IRL job, what do you think he would choose?
Thank you so much for volunteering, Theo! I'm so glad you agreed to do this and it absolutely made my day. If anyone reading this wants to be the next subject, just IM me, Sae Rose!

All the boysenberry love,


© By Audrey's Codes